Thursday, March 8, 2012

MRI test

So yesterday was a very long day. Ali had a MRI test at the Children's Hospital. We arrived like any other appointment and waited as normal. They then took us back to a area that looked a lot like a triage area. They asked us a lot of questions then the doctor looked at Ali.
Ali was feeling upset about them looking in her mouth. They had to make sure she had no inflammation in her mouth are throat. The test had to be done with Ali sedated and sleeping.  First they put numbing cream on both hand and gave her a oral sedative to make her relax for the IV to be put in. That medication took about 15 mins to work. I could tell when it kicked in Ali started looking glazed and her speech was slurred. The nurse then put in the IV. Ali only cried for a second I was singing to her and keeping her attention on me.
Once a MRI bay opened up they took her back. Justin went with her because with me being pregnant I was not allowed. The test took about a hour, during that time I went and found cell phone signal to send a couple texts to family and have a snack. I came back to the MRI triage and read for a bit waiting to the test to be over. It felt like time was crawling along. I would read for what felt like a long time and look up and only 5 minutes had passed.
Finally they came out from the test. The nurse said it took a ton on sedative to put her to sleep. Much more then a child who only weighs 25 lbs. (yes, Ali has lost weight in the last couple weeks. I do not know if it is from her fasting before her appointment or the pain meds working better and she is more active)
So Justin carried her out and she flopped into my arms and her head fell back. She opened her eyes and said "Mama" in a very slurred speech. She was flopping around and crawling around in her bed she was so very out of it. The nurse gave her apple juice and a can of Mt. Dew. Yes you read that right Mt. Dew they said all the caffeine helps the sedatives wear off. The nurse offered her a cracker and Ali grabbed it stuffed if in her mouth then drooled it down her face. She did not know up from down. I kept trying to hold Ali as she was crying for me but she was flopping and wiggling so much. The nurse suggested I strap her into her stroller with its 5 point harness so she would stop fighting and go back to sleep. We strapped her in and laid it back she tried to sit up a few times and gave up. We then headed home with instructions to let her sleep it off and only feed her when she was awake. When I put her in the car seat her put her blanket over her head then went to sleep. I put her shoulder pillow on to help hold her head but for most of the drive her head just hung forward. When we got her home I carried her up to her room she looked at me and went back to sleep.
Ali slept from about 4pm until about 8pm. I changed her diaper and put her into her PJ's. I then tried to get her to eat she ate a few bites but her speech was still slurred and she was having trouble sitting up in my lap. After she had half a juice box and half a apple slice and a few french fries she curled up on my lap and went back to sleep. I carried her back to bed. She then slept until about 945pm. I had already gone to bed so Justin went to check on her and she was asking for  "mimi" her Minnie mouse doll. He gave it to her and she went back to sleep until 7am.
She ate a good breakfast today and lunch. She is napping now and is acting like her normal self.
Ali's doctor called this afternoon with the results of the MRI. It showed that she has a loss of fluid in her ankles and the tendons their. It also showed some issues in her knees. The test also showed a non-displaced fracture in her foot. Her doctor felt the disease is the cause of the fracture making her bones brittle. With the bones not being displaced they are not going to boot or cast it. We are going to see the doctor next week to do the shots in the joints and start on the rest of the medications.

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