Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joint Injections

Yesterday Ali had joint injections for the first time.
My Mom and I went to this appointment because it was very early in the morning and Justin had worked the night before.
The injections where done at Children's Hospital. It took them a long time to get her IV in. They stuck the needle in and just dug for a good two minutes before they decided to call for help. Before they put the needle in they tied off her arm so it was turning purple before they quit. Poor thing was screaming and crying so bad her eyes went blood shot and she was shaking. I was holding her face so she could not see what they where doing and try to get away. Then they called in the "IV Team" This nurse arrived with a side bag looking thing she pulled out this red light turned off the lights in the room. Held it up to her arm and popped the IV right in like it was nothing. Before we went in I talked to one of the doctors and told her that I felt Ali would be more willing to go to sleep if I held her while they did it and if they did not take her shoes off until she was asleep. (Do not ever take away Ali's shoes or her Mama that sets her off like nothing else.)
Then I carried her to the procedure room this room was huge. They had me hold her while they went over the information regarding their plans the day. They then gave her the medication in the IV to put her to sleep. I could hear her heart rate on the monitor slow down which kind of freaked me out. Then her eyes started moving around but they told me to expect that. Then she went limp in my arms and her mouth fell open. They said she was asleep and to lay her down on the table. I burst into tears at that point. I hugged and kissed her goodbye. They promised to take care of her as they walked me out.
They took my Mom and me to a private area off the main waiting room. They had a nurse from Rheumatology talk to us. She said she called our health insurance and they said they would not cover one of the medications that they want to use in treatments the Methotrexlate. She asked if I could pay it myself if the price was low enough. She thought with as low of a dose as she would take it would be about twenty dollars a month. I said yes, please call and check the price for me. She then told me what to expect from the medications. The other medication they want to us to give is Embrel. She told me to check the website and they offer programs for help with the cost. ( I did and got her signed up the first 6 months will be free then its only 10 per month after)
We will have to give Ali 3 shots every week. That will last for a year. They hope these medicines will help enough that she will not have to be on the pain medication. The nurse said that next week they will call and set up a time for me to come in a learn how to give Ali the shots myself. She said the drugs have to be refrigerated but the company gives you a little cooler and a ice pack so when you have to take it some place. So I will have to have a prescription for both types of needles used, numbing creams. then the drugs themselves. Also I have to wear rubber gloves these types of drugs are not safe for the baby now or when I am nursing. I will plan on my Mom and Justin going to the learn how to give the shots appointments so we have back-up's in place if she is due for a shot and I am unable to do it. After she finished talking to us I went to the cafeteria and got a couple bottles of water and walked around for a bit. I was only back for about 5 minutes before the doctor who did the procedure came to talk to us. He said he got the shots in but he did not know how to say it the way he wanted to. He said that her Arthritis is very bad and it was not until he was in there with the Ultra-sound that he saw all the inflammation and the damage already that had been done.
He then walked us back to where Ali was. She barely had her eyes open. I could tell she could not focus her eyes yet. I just kissed her cheek and told her mommy was there. So even tho she was not awake she could feel me with her. I held her hand and talked quietly to her. After a bit she was able to see a bit better and was trying to talk she whispered  "Mama". I could tell her mouth was very dry from fasting before everything they sleeping with her mouth open. I gave her some juice it took her a couple tries to even be able to get any juice in the straw. I could tell when she got some juice her mouth felt much better. After a bit I gave her a tiny bite of crackers and she was able to eat some. After a few more minutes she started to complain about her blood pressure cuff. She hates those so we knew she was waking more. When she asked for her shoes the nurse said 'OK I can tell she is waking up" So we packed her up to leave. She did much better being sedated with these drugs instead of what they used before. She was not screaming or crying. 
Ali ended up puking in the car coming home. They said that might happen. They asked for one of us to sit in the back with her to keep a eye on her. So my mom was there and helped to clean Ali up. It was mostly juice so it was smelly but not too messy.
Ali then went to sleep in the car. I carried her into the house and changed her clothes. I thought she went to sleep but she was just feeling "drunk" still. I got her out of her crib and took her to my room and laid down with her. She was being very silly laughing and kicking Justin. I was so tired I put her back in bed and took a nap myself. Ali slept for 3 hours and woke up in a grouchy mood. I told Justin Ali sobered up and she was hung over now. She ate crackers and had more juice and just wanted "mama" and "mimi" (mickey mouse clubhouse).
Today Ali seems sore and a but grouchy but over all pretty good she has bruises all over her today poor thing. I need to pick up some baby oil to get all the marker and adhesive marks off of her. I could not give her a bath for 24 hours after the shots to help keep them clean. So it is bath night.


  1. Heather, this broke my heart to read! I can only imagine what this might be like. We are praying for you! Let me know if you need anything - a babysitter, a friend to listen, etc. I am usually home most days now that Esther is here.

  2. Heather, I don't even know what to say other than I am praying for you and your little Ali. Love, Laura Cloud
